Nepal Madhesh Foundation


Nepal Madhesh Foundation (NEMAF), established in 2007, is a non-government grassroots research and field implementation organization, registered with Government of Nepal under Association Registration Act, 1977 in District Administration Office-Lalitpur (Registration number – 2563/287/471) and affiliated with Social Welfare Council-Kathmandu (Affiliation number – 23531).

It promotes peace and harmony for sustainable socio-economic development in Terai plains, also known as Madhesh and is aimed at improving the quality of life, particularly in the rural communities.

Journey Of NEMAF



  • NEMAF was established in 2007. Since then it is continuously working for sustained socio-economic development and improved quality life of particularly rural and marginalized community people in Madhesh.
  • 2008

    Federalism Support Program (FSP)

  • To share ideas and information on several aspects of federalism between national experts and local level opinion makers.
  • Identify trainers/facilitators on principles of federalism at district and sub-district level.
  • To identify and explore important issues regarding federalism at the local level.
  • Collaboration Partner: GTZ
  • Districts: Morang, Siraha, Dhanusha and Parsa
  • 2009 - 2010

    Federalism Support Program II

  • To share ideas and information on several aspects of federalism between national experts and the local level opinion makers.
  • To produce trainees/facilitators to deliver the content at district and sub-district level.
  • To explore and identify issues which are pertinent for the local people regarding federalism.
  • Collaboration Partner: GTZ
  • Districts: Morang, Siraha, Dhanusha and Parsa
  • 2010

    Understanding armed violence in the Terai

  • To provide research findings on people's perceptions on Armed Violence in the Terai, based on a series of focus group discussions at the district level and key informant interviews.
  • Collaboration Partner: SAFERWORLD
  • Districts: Kathmandu, Sunsari, Siraha, Bara and Kapilvastu
  • 2010

    Federalism Support Program II

  • To share information and discuss the four committee papers at the local level.
  • To explore and identify issueswhich are pertinent for the local people regarding fundamental and minorities rights, state- restructuring, form of government, natural resources sharing and other related issues of federalism.
  • To ensure the information right and participation of local people on draft constitution.
  • To collect the public opinion on major constitutional issues
  • Collaboration Partner: GTZ
  • Districts: Kathmandu and Many Districts of Terai
  • 2010 - 2014

    The Inclusive Democracy Component of Human Rights and Good Governance Programme III

  • To promote an inclusive democratic change in Nepal
  • Collaboration Partner: DANIDA HUGOU
  • Districts: Many districts of Terai/Madhesh
  • 2013

    Workshop on Contemporary Constitutional Issues

  • Organized series of workshops in Madhesh districts and Kathmandu
  • Collaboration Partner: (UNDP)
  • Districts: Kathmandu & Many districts of Terai.
  • 2013

    Workshop on Local Governance

  • Organized series of workshops in Madhesh districts and Kathmandu
  • Collaboration Partner: (UNDP)
  • Districts: Kathmandu & Many districts of Terai.
  • 2011

    Mass Information for the Conflict Resolution in Terai Region of Nepal

  • Provide Training to Journalist for conflict sensitive reporting
  • Collaboration Partner: Nepal National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM)
  • Districts: Dhanusha and Siraha
  • 2014-2015

    Strengthening of Civil Society for Accountable Local Governance

  • To empower a critical mass of citizens and organizations to improve governance and promote social change in the Madhesh/ Terai.
  • To facilitate inclusive and participatory decision making process and get access to effective services for women, Dalits, OBCs, Janajati/Muslims including the youth in the region
  • Collaboration Partner: Danida HUGOU
  • District : Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi
  • 2013

    Socio- Economic and Political Status of Muslim in Nepal

  • To conduct research on the Muslim community of Nepal
  • Collaboration Partner: International Idea
  • District : Kathmandu, Dhanusha and Banke
  • 2015-2018

    Strengthening Voice and Accountable Governance in Mithila Belt of Terai/Madhesh

  • To strengthening the voice of local people towards accountable governance
  • Collaboration Partner: Governance Facility Nepal
  • Districts: Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi
  • 2018 - 2019

    Learning Social Movement

  • To review the Madhesh Movement from 1951 to till the date and know how is sustained and what went wrong
  • Collaboration Partner: University of Sussex-UK, University College London-UK, War on Want-UK, Nomadesc-Colombia, Housing Assembly-S Africa, HDK-Turkey
  • Districts: Saptari, Dhanusa, Parsa and Banke
  • 2017 - 2020

    Sundar Sant Nepal (Peace Building Project)

  • To enhance capacity of law makers of marginalized community in policy making process at province level.
  • To trained researchers of different provinces.
  • Collaboration Partner: Safer World, International Alert, BBC Media Action
  • Districts: Illam, Panchthar, Morang, Sunsari, Siraha, Dhanusha,Bara, Parsa, Kapilvastu, Rupandehi, Banke, Surkhet, & Kailali
  • 2021-2022

    Strengthening Inclusive Governance Program (SIGP) in Madhesh Province

  • To promote effective participation of civil society activists and elected representatives of Dalit and marginalized groups in policy and budget making processes.
  • To promote affirmative action policies at local, province and federal levels to address the issues of Madhesi Dalit.
  • Collaboration Partner: The Asia Foundation (TAF)
  • Province: Madhesh
  • 2023

    Political Economy Analysis of Madhesh and Lumbini Provinces

  • To inform the design of the CSM program with political-economic Insights.
  • To track and make gap analysis on policy formulation processes at provincial and local level
  • Collaboration Partner: The Asia Foundation (TAF)
  • Province: Madhesh and Lumbini Provinces
  • 2023

    Implementation of Federalism in Madhesh: Efforts, Progress and Challenges Province

  • Mapping out the efforts made by the government of Madhesh Province and clearly chart out the rationales and expected outcomes of those efforts;
  • Identify the factors that have adversely contributed to the implementation of the already enacted laws as well as the reasons not to pass a bill.
  • Collaboration Partner: GIZ Nepal and KUSOM Policy Lab, Kathmandu University
  • Province: Madhesh
  • 2023

    Evidence-based Law Making, Public Hearing, Oversight, and Open Parliament in Madhesh Provincial Assembly

  • To develop the capacity of Members of Parliaments (MPs) and parliamentary staff to fulfil the core functions of a parliament – law-making, oversight and representation.
  • To review the bills and provide expert feedbacks for further improvement after consultation with multi-stakeholders.
  • Collaboration Partner: UNDP/PSP Nepal
  • Province: Madhesh
  • 2024

    Sub-National Governance Program (SNGP)/ Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Program (MSDP) in Madhesh

  • To improve capacity and platforms to address contestations and needs before and after elections
  • To identify the gaps in policies, support needs, and deliberations are more inclusive, and data driven
  • To increase coordination across the three spheres of government.
  • Collaboration Partner: The Asia Foundation (TAF)
  • Province: Madhesh
  • Executive Committee

    Mr. Sunil Mahat
    Mr. Manish Kumar
    Vice Chairperson
    Mr. Dharma Narayan Sah
    General Secretary
    Mr. Ramanand Chaudhary
    Ms. Rupa Jha
    General Member
    Ms. Ranju Kumari Yadav
    Genaral Member
    Mr. Kapil Prasad Rohita
    General Member
    Tula Narayan Shah
    Exec. Director

    Trusted Partners